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Substance Abuse (Drugs & Alchohol)

“The issue of substance abuse is causing havoc in American lives, eating deep into our pockets, destroying our families and communities, ravaging the souls of our people and nation, and maiming our productive age and strength. HHS has been and continues to lead national efforts to track and combat this disease; like every other—using initiatives from Drug Warning Network (DAWN), the Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS), the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), the Monitoring the Future Survey (MTF), the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). [64]”

Ebelechukwu Elochukwu

Neuropsychiatric Center

Main services includes but not limited to:

Mental Health Psychiatric Evaluations

Mental Health Diagnostic Assessments

Mental Health Treatment & Rehabilitation Investigations

Psychological Testing

Individual Therapy

Family Therapy

Group Therapy

Intensive Individual/Family Intervention, Treatment & Rehabilitation



Behavioral Health Treatment & Rehabilitation Services

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services

Psychiatric Treatment Services

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services

Referral Services as needed by members

Health Information Technology

Health Information Management

Electronic Health Record Management

Behavioral, Mental, Psychiatric, Psychological & Social Science Health Research

Family Services

“Our ability to respect the dignity of every human being is the foundation of any moral society. The Family is the center that needs our support by sharing our life and services with the community in a society of human beings whose rights and responsibilities must be preserved.”

— Ebelechukwu Elochukwu, 2003

Family Preservation of America is a community based agency established for the purpose of providing COMFORTABLE AND STABLE HOMES, MENTAL HEALTH AND SUPPORT SERVICES, CONTINUITY OF CARE and PROPER AND ADEQUATE STIMULATION for children and adults with special needs as an alternative living arrangement, wrap around services and mental health care services. This arrangement shall include parental or family figure with deep commitment to honoring and protecting the choices and rights of individuals in our care; providing local and national exposures and opportunities with aim of making a change in their life through youth & adult development programs and trainings and towards independence and self sustenance, alternative comfortable and stable support system, continuity of care, proper and adequate stimulation for children, adolescents and adults with emotional disturbance, behavior disorder, chemical dependence, developmental disabilities, adjudicated delinquencies, physical disabilities or any combination of the above mentioned problems without losing intimate contact with their Parental or Family Support. Our programs include Outpatient Mental Health Clinic (OMHC), Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP), Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR), and Intensive Family Intervention (IFI). Our Health Centers include Adult Center, Children Center, Family Center, and Youth Center.

Our program is centered on rehabilitation of both children and adults entrusted in our care in such a way that they will be able to develop themselves, support themselves, support one another and make contributions to the community they represent, thereby making an impact within the society at large. While providing them additional support outside home support system, we will rehabilitate them until recovery is achieved. We will lay the foundation for them to start to prepare for their transition into the real world where they are expected to live on their own and make contributions to the society. This we will achieve through the services of our highly trained and qualified staff who will impart in the individuals; self respect, self esteem, respect for others and property, coping skills, social responsibility, behavior and anger management, aggression control mechanisms, individual development (including ability to make decisions about the individual’s life and create opportunities for choice regarding home, school or work and community and effective and efficient use of community resources for self integration within the community), educational development, skill and employment development and nurturing assistance to those with any form of disability or in need, and any other need.

Our Facility Is Wheel Chair Accessible! Wheel Chair Is Available Too!!

Our Multidisciplinary Professional Team (Psychiatrist, Clinical Counselor, Registered Nurse & Clinical Social Worker) Jointly Conduct All Initial Assessment. 'The Surgery of Mind & Soul'

Family Involvement In Our Care System Is Guaranteed

Transportation is available on demand


All participants in any of our Mental Health Outpatient Treatment and/or Rehabilitation Programs are seen by different health care professionals working as a team; shoulder to shoulder in one way or another to provide an efficient and effective service delivery system. All clinical aspect of our programs are seriously monitored and evaluated by quality assurance process using specific outcome measures. Our professional staff; Clinical Social Workers/Professional Counselors, Graduate Social Workers/Professional Counselors, Social Workers, Nurses, Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Industrial Psychologist, Teachers, Counselors, Paraprofessionals and other well trained and experienced administrative and support staff work devotedly and relentlessly for the individuals served. We are also utilizing technical support from Health Management Organizations, Administrative Service Organizations, Accreditation Commissions, Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute for Health, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Mental Hygiene Administration, Office of Health Care Quality, Anne Arundel County Core Service Agency, and Baltimore Mental Health Systems Inc and other State or government agencies under whose jurisdiction we operate. We also monitor new empirical evidence based practices promoted by American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association, National Association of Social Workers, American Medical Association and other professional bodies and Research Institutions. We are not living any person or agency behind. Patient-Centered Outcome Research (P-COR) is the bedrock of our clinical decision making process and computer application towards this goal is critical.

Marketing Mix

In this period of economic, employment, and funding uncertainty; high health care cost, dwindling household income, high energy cost, and high cost of living, the typical American family that requires dual or supplemental incomes to maintain average sized household has lost ability to do so. This trend has created a greater need for quality health care services predicated upon lack of funding and cut back by Managed Care Organizations and Public Mental Health Systems. Family Preservation of America competes well in our market by offering competitive low cost and discounted services, charitable acts and services, high-quality health care services, and leading-edge mental health programs with certified, college-educated staff, and by maintaining an excellent reputation with parents and the community we serve. Our reputation in the community was responsible for reduction of gang and gang related activities within the community, improving relationship among over 200 children age 5-18 and Baltimore city police, community integration, improving understanding and relationship among parents and neighbors, foster strong community and social support system among residents and reducing sect and group thinking, lynch mob mentality, deindividuation among youths and adults. The word of mouth from our patient; in their testimonies of the effectiveness and efficiency of our services is our major marketing tool. Try our money back guarantee services and become our testimony. If you complied with your service plan developed and agreed with us and we fail to be an agent of change in your life; helping you to make desired progress towards recovery or healing, we will refund 100% of your money. Doctor and individual served relationship is privileged.

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Specific Program Services

Global Health Diagnostic Assessment

Individualized Psychiatric Evaluation

Individualized Behavior Assessment

Individualized Treatment and Rehabilitation Planning

Nursing Assessment

Individual, Group, and Family Therapy

Psychiatric & Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Referral Services

Person Centered Approach

Crisis Hotline: 1-800-792-3126 Ext. 911

Live Clinical Mental Health Professional is available 24/7

Standard Safety Plan guaranteed

Individualized Safety Plan

Individualized Crisis Response Plan

Cognitive Behavioral Techniques

Multisystemic Therapy

Multidimensional Family Therapy

Dialectic Behavioral Therapy

Existentialism and Functionalism

Any model as appropriate to the child, adult, and family issues presented.

Free Transportation To & From our Clinic

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Substance Abuse (Drugs & Alchohol)

“The issue of substance abuse is causing havoc in American lives, eating deep into our pockets, destroying our families and communities, ravaging the souls of our people and nation, and maiming our productive age and strength. HHS has been and continues to lead national efforts to track and combat this disease; like every other—using initiatives from Drug Warning Network (DAWN), the Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS), the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), the Monitoring the Future Survey (MTF), the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). [64]”

Ebelechukwu Elochukwu

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