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Behavioral Health Center

Our Behavioral Health Center provides integrated services and referral through network of independent Clinical Providers to all members with behavioral issues. Our services helps to minimize hospitalizations, emergency room visits, provides stabilization and management of behavioral health symptoms, and thereby improving the individual functioning. We provide wellness and prevention services and crisis intervention following traumatic events using our integrated collaborative team and multilevel approaches. Medical and addiction specialists are provided for appropriate treatment and rehabilitation to individuals with Drug & Alcohol addiction or abuse.

Programs and Classes

Individual Mental Health Care is your responsibility and our service.

Group Mental Health Care is great for society. Social, leisure, recreational and interpersonal skills is great way to live a healthy life.

Good Health & Prevention of Risky Behaviors & Diseases Is The Key To Wealth & Successful Life.

Sound & Quality Educational Support like Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) that is Inclusive of Physical and Behavioral Health Challenges is the Key to Excellent Academic Achievement & Prowess.

Every Alcohol & Substance Abuse Starts With First Sip.

With support group, peer support, and professional help, you can overcome your illness and recover from them.

Every Hand That Is Healthy Should Not Only Work But Take Pride In Doing So! Proper Grooming!! Looking Good Is Good Business!!!

Every Hand That Is Healthy Should Not Only Work But Take Pride In Doing So! Your Passion, Devotion & Dedication To Your Duties Produces Goods, Services, Fruits Of Life And Successful Employment!!


Improve Health Status and School Attendance


Program Director will ensure completion of a health needs assessment at the initial intake interview for all children participating in the Youth Center Program. Children will be screened for school absences due to health problems. An Individualized Health Plan will be completed for youth determined to have a significant health risk or school attendance problem. Children determined to have health needs will receive health and nutrition education as well as referrals to appropriate medical services.


Improve Academic Skills (Improve School Citizenship)


All individuals referred will be screened and assessed at the initial intake interview for academic deficiencies and referred to the appropriate program for assistance and support. Program Director will obtain Individualized Education Plans (where applicable) and report cards from the individual’s respective guardian and in collaboration with guardian, will formulate an educational support plan (e.g., extra home work & assignments). The After School Study Hall Program will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 4.30 – 5.30 pm at the agency study room/Library. On Tuesdays and Thursdays during Study Hall, individual student tutoring (class work assistance by counselors) will occur. On Wednesdays during Study Hall, Delinquency Prevention Workshops will be held from 4.30 - 5.30 pm. The Reader’s Roundtable will be held from 3:30-4:30 pm on Monday through Thursday for individuals having poor academic performance in reading and writing. Volunteer tutors will provide individualized academic assistance to the individuals. During the program year, approximately 20 individuals will receive academic tutoring for about one hour, two days per week for at least two hours. Each participant will be tutored in the deficient subject area as indicated by his educational/tutoring plan. 100% of participants will have at least two hours of tutoring per week. A monthly progress report reflecting student progress will be collected from each student’s teacher. Our target is skills for improved academic improvement and reduced school drop out or truancy including but not limited to indoor/outdoor suspension.


Prevent Substance Abuse /Screening


New participants will be screened for drug-related and/or chemically dependent risk factors and usage (per questionnaire)/referral sources during intake interview. (Drug and alcohol test will be administered with the permission of the individual or parent or guardian (if a minor); if suspected to be in use). Current participants will be required to complete the questionnaire at the beginning of a new sports season. Informal counseling and education will be conducted to determine triggers and likelihood of drug-use. Case management and referral services will be provided to individual determined to be at-risk. Children needing addiction treatment will be referred to Local Treatment Center for treatment and follow-up services. Monthly Substance Abuse Workshops will be provided. Cost of services will be billed to the participant’s insurance company.


Job/Vocational coaching; training, career development, employment, interviews and related trainings.


Program Director will ensure completion of a job/career needs assessment at the initial intake interview for all individual participating in the Youth Center Program. Individuals will be screened for skills, talents and interests. An individualized service plan will be completed for participants determined to have a significant life skill risk or problem. Trainings will be provided for all participants.

Good health education, psychoeducation, training, coaching, counseling on parenting skills, teen pregnancy & fatherhood, personal hygiene, coping skills, stress management, behavior management reduces risky behaviors, diseases and increases your well being and fulfilled


Health & Hygiene Education/Counseling and Parenting Skills

Prevent Teen Fatherhood and Pregnancy Mental Health Challenges


Program Director will conduct a structured interview for youth at-risk as determined by teacher, parent or guardian, school counselor referral or Rehabilitation Specialist. The interview will also include a behavior checklist to indicate attitudes and behaviors as they relate to health and pregnancy issues and participation in high-risk behaviors that could cause mental health disorder.

VICTIM AWARENESS/EMPATHY DEVELOPMENT: (emotional, social, economic and family development).


Program Director will ensure completion of emotional, social, economic and family relations needs assessment at the initial intake interview for all individuals participating in the Youth Center Program. An individualized service plan will be completed for participants determined to have a significant risk factor or problem. Trainings, counseling, coaching and professional support and services including required referrals will be provided by our personnel to help the individual served achieve this goal.

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Specific Program Services

Global Health Diagnostic Assessment

Individualized Psychiatric Evaluation

Individualized Behavior Assessment

Individualized Treatment and Rehabilitation Planning

Nursing Assessment

Individual, Group, and Family Therapy

Psychiatric & Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Referral Services

Person Centered Approach

Crisis Hotline: 1-800-792-3126 Ext. 911

Live Clinical Mental Health Professional is available 24/7

Standard Safety Plan guaranteed

Individualized Safety Plan

Individualized Crisis Response Plan

Cognitive Behavioral Techniques

Multisystemic Therapy

Multidimensional Family Therapy

Dialectic Behavioral Therapy

Existentialism and Functionalism

Any model as appropriate to the child, adult, and family issues presented.

Free Transportation To & From our Clinic

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Behavioral Health Center

Our Behavioral Health Center provides integrated services and referral through network of independent Clinical Providers to all members with behavioral issues. Our services helps to minimize hospitalizations, emergency room visits, provides stabilization and management of behavioral health symptoms, and thereby improving the individual functioning. We provide wellness and prevention services and crisis intervention following traumatic events using our integrated collaborative team and multilevel approaches. Medical and addiction specialists are provided for appropriate treatment and rehabilitation to individuals with Drug & Alcohol addiction or abuse.

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