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Substance Abuse (Drugs & Alchohol)

“The issue of substance abuse is causing havoc in American lives, eating deep into our pockets, destroying our families and communities, ravaging the souls of our people and nation, and maiming our productive age and strength. HHS has been and continues to lead national efforts to track and combat this disease; like every other—using initiatives from Drug Warning Network (DAWN), the Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS), the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), the Monitoring the Future Survey (MTF), the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). [64]”

Ebelechukwu Elochukwu

Research and Development


Ebelechukwu’s Theories

Ebelechukwu Simultaneous Theory

In every social, mental health and substance abuse service, the level of healing or recovery of the individual served is contingent upon a Constant & Coefficient of Effective & Efficient Communication of evidence based practices between the provider and the individual served.

This is relative to the level of other variable factors of life domain such as compassion, kindness, family & significant other involvement, trust & confidence of the individual served, the individual served’s involvement in every choice, decision & leadership in the procedure, obstacles & barriers, total time spent, provider accessibility as needed by the individual served, individual served’s accessibility as needed by the provider and the exponential relationship between healing or recovery and the variable factors.

Ebelechukwu Healing & Recovery (HR) Theory

Whereas, the entire variable factors of the simultaneous theory increases, the healing or recovery positively increases exponentially in linear programming. Healing or recovery can be achieved any time before the total peak score of 18390 ESU. The lower the total peak score at which healing or recovery is achieved the lower the total cost of the achievement.

Ebelechukwu Alternative Care Theory

If social, mental health & substance abuse services were delivered mostly at high variable factors ESU levels to an individual but failed to achieve healing or recovery after reaching a total peak score of 18390 ESU, then healing or recovery is hardly achievable for that individual and his/her care can only be managed or referred for an alternative service model e.g. inpatient or residential services.

Ebelechukwu Cost Theory (Cause & Effect Principle)

Whenever an individual who is receiving social, mental health & substance abuse services at mostly high variable factors ESU levels reaches the total peak score of 18390 ESU without healing or recovery, diminishing return sets in with very low rate of return per any increase in cost of care. The total cost of services to an individual decreases exponentially with increase in effective & efficient communication as a Constant & Coefficient of evidence based practices between the provider and the individual served in addition to equal amount of increase in other variable factors of life domain.

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Substance Abuse (Drugs & Alchohol)

“The issue of substance abuse is causing havoc in American lives, eating deep into our pockets, destroying our families and communities, ravaging the souls of our people and nation, and maiming our productive age and strength. HHS has been and continues to lead national efforts to track and combat this disease; like every other—using initiatives from Drug Warning Network (DAWN), the Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS), the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), the Monitoring the Future Survey (MTF), the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). [64]”

Ebelechukwu Elochukwu

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