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Substance Abuse (Drugs & Alchohol)

“The issue of substance abuse is causing havoc in American lives, eating deep into our pockets, destroying our families and communities, ravaging the souls of our people and nation, and maiming our productive age and strength. HHS has been and continues to lead national efforts to track and combat this disease; like every other—using initiatives from Drug Warning Network (DAWN), the Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS), the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), the Monitoring the Future Survey (MTF), the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). [64]”

Ebelechukwu Elochukwu

Shipping & Returns

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Our internet services give you an opportunity to open an account, transact business and control your transactions easily. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. You will receive a refund or exchange for any product that does not meet your satisfaction. All you need to do is send the product back to us undamaged as you received it within 14 days of purchase. If it is damaged, we will not accept the item back and there will be no refund or return on such item; sale is final and as is, in such case. There is no return or refund on special orders or services; sale is final and as is (please make sure to shake that any special order or service you placed or received is what you want). All special orders start with SO in the sku, name or product description or item number. SS is used for services. We will inspect all returned items prior to reception. It is your choice whether you will get a refund using your original payment method, or an exchange through the delivery option you originally selected; for eligible items. Payments made by credit card will be refunded back to the same credit card once we receive the item. Payments made by check will be held for a maximum of 60 days to allow the check to clear, especially if the check is an inter-state check. Foreign Certified Checks may take longer to be refunded. All products are checked thoroughly before shipment. Services are regularly reviewed to ensure quality of care and progress are made. Items damaged in transit will be exchanged immediately once we confirm the return. Customers should allow 10-45 days for delivery and may take longer than 60 days for special orders. Express delivery is available on certain products. Customers should select highest cost for international delivery method for all international shipping method or contact customer service for assistance. Delivery cost is an estimate and subject to change. Family Preservation of America (FPA) is not responsible for the cost of delivery; even when courtesy lower or free delivery is granted. Ask customer service for assistance with all refund, exchange or delivery questions. All services and products purchased online will be followed with a confirmation e-mail and/or a phone call indicating proof of purchase or confirmation of information (for instance, conditions of use, return and refund policy, shipping and billing information). All listed items do not include any accessory, add-on, etc on display e. g. computer monitor, keyboard, lighting, books etc placed on a desk or bookcase; when only the price of the desk or bookcase listed is shown. It was used for display purposes only and are not included in the price. Free shipping may not be available to certain items or location even though provided at the shopping cart. This exception depends on size, weight, and cost. It is solely at the discretion of FPA as to what item should be shipped free or not. It depends on the availability of funds to do so. If any item you purchased is denied free shipment, you will be contacted by our agent prior to charging your card and if already charged, you will be fully refunded. You may be required to cover full or partial shipping and handling cost of your order; at which point your prior approval will be required.


The Firm = Family Preservation of America (FPA) -, parents, subsiduaries. Associates = Firms and individuals that do business with us. Members = Staff and direct contractors/consultant we engage for services. Families = Subsidiary companies (if applicable). Third party agents = Independent firms and/or individuals supporting ‘The Firm,’ (e.g. a credit card service firm, HMO, CMO)...


Specific Program Services

Global Health Diagnostic Assessment

Individualized Psychiatric Evaluation

Individualized Behavior Assessment

Individualized Treatment and Rehabilitation Planning

Nursing Assessment

Individual, Group, and Family Therapy

Psychiatric & Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Referral Services

Person Centered Approach

Crisis Hotline: 1-800-792-3126 Ext. 911

Live Clinical Mental Health Professional is available 24/7

Standard Safety Plan guaranteed

Individualized Safety Plan

Individualized Crisis Response Plan

Cognitive Behavioral Techniques

Multisystemic Therapy

Multidimensional Family Therapy

Dialectic Behavioral Therapy

Existentialism and Functionalism

Any model as appropriate to the child, adult, and family issues presented.

Free Transportation To & From our Clinic

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Substance Abuse (Drugs & Alchohol)

“The issue of substance abuse is causing havoc in American lives, eating deep into our pockets, destroying our families and communities, ravaging the souls of our people and nation, and maiming our productive age and strength. HHS has been and continues to lead national efforts to track and combat this disease; like every other—using initiatives from Drug Warning Network (DAWN), the Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS), the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), the Monitoring the Future Survey (MTF), the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). [64]”

Ebelechukwu Elochukwu

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Models and Methodology

Therapies arose and became part of psychiatry and psychology. Our program will help the individual deal successfully with the challenges of childhood and/or adolescence and prepare them for the independence and responsibilities of being an adult; parents, workers and citizens. It restores normalcy to mentally challenged adults. We focus on their capacities, strengths, and developmental needs, such as caring relationships, safe places and activities, physical health, mental health, marketable skills, opportunities for service and civic participation. We, also focus on their weaknesses and problems. We work together to remove any obstacle in their journey towards recovery. Our services place reasonable consideration on psychological motives, psychodynamic view’s on unconscious motives, how it affects an individual behavior, modern theorist’s view of self-esteem, and social belonging.